Matt had randomly been assigned a roommate for his college dorm, an all-maleĭorm. Most people still thought of him as the 6’4’’ skinny guy, but that was The gain didn’t change his reputation or shyness though. By graduation, he’dīeen able to go from a pitiful weakling to a respectable 214 pounds of athletic School he’d found the perfect hobby: weight lifting. Slender tall fellows that didn’t catch much attention, but in his years of high Previously, he’d been one of those scrawny Behind his shy shell, was a handsome man with thick blue eyes andĬlosely cut blond hair. He wasĪ masculine boy, down to earth, and liked to keep things pretty simple and laidīack. Select number of friends, but that’s the kind of life he enjoyed. In high school, he’d been somewhat of a shy individual and had only a In the coming fall and was not sure what to expect when it came to dorm life. He was scheduled to attend the university of his choice Matt was not so much your typical high school graduate, although he’d like I edited it just to include Matt, Colby, and the fat gain aspects. This is a story from the beefyfrat library that I really love, although the original included other characters and some… interesting elements.